Playing with baby:
The importance of play:

The fact that your baby can play with to create and consolidate your sympathy, your communication and mutual commitment that will last your whole life and all of your child. The magic of nursery rhymes, songs and games enriches the universe of all babies, whether toddlers or preschoolers. Your baby will long remember a little attention that you have shown or a moment of joy. Knowing what and how to play can be a new experience for many parents.
The game fills a role in the baby: it promotes the development of skills, physical, intellectual, emotional and social. It is also an important factor in the formation of identity and personality.
From birth, the baby is ready to play his way, which seems very simple to start. During the first months of his life, he uses his senses to play and learn. Therefore, stimulating the development of the senses, you promote intellectual development. Stimulate babies themselves playing with their hands and their feet. However, nothing can replace human contact and attention gets a little when he plays with other people. Even newborns need this kind of attention.
If you're wondering what to do with your baby, remember that babies:
-have more interest for faces than for objects.
-like to be close to an adult they love the sound of his voice and the sight of his face. Even if you're on the phone, you can place your baby next to you in a crib or in a child seat and the fondling or touching.
-like being transported around when they are awake. Well you can hold your baby against you with a sling while you go about your simple home. This entertain them, and enjoy the sensation of movement and rhythm of movement.
-like being on their backs and watch interesting things. It is good to have several places you where your baby can spend a large part of his day. These places are swarming attractions and keep him busy drawing his attention. Consider arranging objects so that they are within his field of vision.
-appreciate the motives: they are a source of entertainment, as well as stimulating experience.
-respond to chant at any time during their waking state. They like the sound of familiar voices throughout the day it comforts them.
-respond to a range of different sounds: they are stimulated by rattles, toys that squeak by, for music boxes, musical mobiles and by other kinds of toys. They even react to the sounds of the household, such as splashing water, ringtones or even the sound of a blender.
Take care, however, not to over stimulate your baby. It also needs quiet time. If you present a toy and he turned his head, for example, this may mean it has been stimulated enough for now.