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All about baby weight

All about baby weight

Monitor the weight of your baby starts from the day of his birth! Indeed, in the early months, it is very important to check that your little one is neither overweight nor too light. But how do you know if your baby is eating enough or not? What average weight baby should have one, three, six or nine months? Breastfeeding promotes Does weight gain.

 Language, walking, dietary diversification, cleanliness, awakening ...
 The first years of your baby are rich in learning! To assist in these steps,
 nothing better than delicious meal. The goal is to allow it
 to grow and evolve as it should be! In the first months of life
 of your little one, weight gain, average weight or your diet by
 month are factors to monitor. Risk; Baby is not immune to
 undernutrition or overweight. Your baby should be weighed
 regularly to ensure that its development is consistent 
with the curves of corpulence.
And you chose to feed baby breast or bottle, the rules are the same: If you detect a problem of weight in your little one, do not hesitate to point with your pediatrician.

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