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Cute babies. The Best Baby Laughing on the Internet!

Cute babies. The Best Baby Laughing on the Internet!

                                           Laughing babies 

The sound of a baby laughing can only be described as the purist sound of music. There is nothing more infectious then the laugher of a cute little baby. But for some reason, imitating the sound just sounds really creepy. Instead of going through the trouble of having your own children, enjoy these cute babies laughter without having to wipe their tushies.

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baby's weight
baby's weight and height

If you are concerned that your baby is larger or smaller than other babies in his age group, remember that babies come in a variety of perfectly normal shapes and sizes. What's more important than their size at any given point is their overall health and the consistency of their growth.

Average Size at Birth

baby's weight
baby's weight and height

The majority of full-term babies, which are babies born between 37 and 40 weeks, are between 19 and 21 inches long andweigh between 6 lbs., 2 oz. and 9 lbs., 2 oz., says the Nemours Foundation. Although a newborn may still be healthy if he is over or under these measurements, she may receive extra attention after she is born to be sure that she has no health problems.

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Ideal Weight and Height Baby

Ideal Weight and Height Baby

Each state and territory has different standards in determining the baby's height and weight are ideal. Standardization of babies from Asia tend to be smaller than a baby is different from Europe or the United States.
baby's height and weight
the baby's weight

In accordance with the size standard of the Ministry of Health Indonesia, weight for age younger infants under three months is between 3.4 to 5.7 kg. As for the ideal baby height is about 40.5 to 60 cm.

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Cute Babies: Wonderful Cute and Cuddly Baby Photos

Cute Babies: Wonderful Cute and Cuddly Baby Photos

Baby pictures are one the most fascinating pictures on earth. And I think they are the most photographed subject in the world. As with any photo, finding the right angle or choosing the right perspective will result in an amazing photo. Capturing adorable moments with that innocent smile requires luck and patience. Getting your baby to model or to smile for a photo shoot is easier said than done. Babies are quite unpredictable in their behaviors and motion blur distort your photos. Photographing babies in a colorful background or natural surrounding would be an ideal choice. Also, costumes make wonderful babyphotos. 

Vidéo:Cute Baby Photos lovely collection! 

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Tom And Jerry funny

Tom And Jerry funny (For your kids)

This is my all the good collection for my favourite cartoon that is TOM & JERRY.... They are really nice i generally watc them whenever i feel low and they always make me laugh.. THANKS !!! to its creater...










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Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry

We definitely live in a fast world that usually leaves us tired and exhausted from our daily activities. While some have a way of dealing with that, others do not know what to do to refresh their mind and body. What you need at such a time is fun, and lots of it. Well, treat yourself to Tom and Jerry's never-ending squabbles and you will wind up your day refreshed and in a perfect mood.
tom and jerry

Tom and Jerry

Ever wondered why Tom and Jerry at times seem to get along well and out of the blue Tom starts to chase Jerry so much, leaving a wave of destruction along the way? To your amazement, Tom will not eat Jerry whenever he has a perfect chance to: Jerry will always find a way out. Watch as Tom is entrusted with varied tasks by his master, including safeguarding of master's food. Jerry will employ all tricks in the book to get the food. Although Jerry may eat the food, he at times simply scatters it all over, resulting in Tom giving Jerry a chase that leaves you wonder.


What annoys Tom most is Jerry's tendency to saving potential prey that Tom spots. While Tom calculates and makes his moves, Jerry is always around at some corner, calculating other destructive moves against Tom. When Tom's moves are just about to bear fruit, Jerry comes in with well-calculated counter-moves that simply leaves Tom devastated and terribly annoyed.


tom and jerry


Witty, clever, cunning, swift with luck on his side, Jerry is simply beyond Tom's reach. These attributes have always helped Jerry; Tom has never been able to catch Jerry. In a few instances that Tom has succeeded in catching Jerry, Jerry has always found a way out, tricking Tom into letting go. Very interesting is the fact that Jerry is always after Tom's tail. This is Tom's body part that Jerry always want to destroy. What do you make of the fact that it is Tom's tail that Jerry stuffs into a waffle iron or plugs it into an electric socket?


However, both Tom and Jerry are violent, at times to the extreme. While Tom will use an axe, firearm, poison and traps in an effort to finish off Jerry, Jerry will be using a mace, mallet or a club to pound Tom with. Jerry at times uses anything nearby to destroy Tom, including causing a tree on Tom's path to fall and hit him.
tom and jerry

Tom and Jerry

Watching Tom and Jerry brings out all the negative things you can imagine. Watch jealousy, revenge, meanness and pure hatred played out in the open, but with no blood spilt. Despite all the hatred towards each other, also watch that tender care one can extend to sworn enemy. Tom and Jerry become truly touched and concerned when either of them is 'hurt'. Jerry is wont to tricking Tom that he is injured and Tom dashes for the first-aid box. Generally, Tom has the size and power to do anything. In contrast, Jerry is small but with strength. Tom is usually defeated by Jerry in almost anything because of his wits. If it is fun an entertainment at its best that you need to wind your day, do not miss to watch Tom and Jerry in action.

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Cute Baby Photos.....lovely collection!

Cute Baby Photos.....lovely collection!

Babies are the most precious and beneficial gift of God. Child birth is the happiest moment for parents. When a father picks his child in his hands he forgets everything and feels himself as the world’s luckiest person. Babies look very cute; their actions are even cuter. Childhood of every person is the happiest period of life.
See these baby photos and share with your friends.

cute babies

Wow what a cute smile it is! - cute babies  

cute babies
Babies on Sleep

cute babies

My angel -cute babies

cute babies

Sleep Time-cute babies  

cute babies

cute babies  

cute babies

cute babies  

cute babies

Lovely Baby with Rose - cute babies  

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